Global standard for building secure cross-chain applications.
Market and Data Feeds resources for devs of any level.
Decentralized and high-quality data for DeFi, sports, weather, and more.
Secure high-frequency market data for ultra-fast derivative products.
High-performance, decentralized automation for smart contracts.
Serverless platform that fetches data from any API & runs custom compute.
Random number generator for blockchain gaming and NFTs.
We handpicked our most used and popular tools, but have much more in our GitHub repository.
Get testnet tokens to run the demo apps and test your smart contracts.
Accelerate development with Chainlink Local Simulator
NPM package to interact with Chainlink Functions programmatically.
Send tokens and/or messages cross-chain using JavaScript
For developers who prefer Foundry
For developers who prefer Hardhat toolchains
For developers who prefer Hardhat toolchains using TypeScript
For developers who use Apeworx
Starter Kit to use Chainlink Data Feeds on Starknet
Huff Starter Kit with Foundry
Chainlink Data Feeds Starter Kit for Solana
NPM packages and clients to speed up your development
Package of Chainlink CCIP contracts and ABIs
Used for working with Chainlink Functions
A more secure version of dotenv for environment variables
Interact with Chainlink services in your Hardhat-based projects
Library with a CLI to interact with CCIP contracts